The Phantom Journey


Autumn in Paris. Night falls. The audience waits patiently on the Quai de Valmy in Paris then boards a small vessel. The phantom journey can begin. At the front of the craft, on a small stage, Paul, a man in his forties, watches old vacation films on a TV. Slowly, the final Temple lock empties. Paul gets up to tinker on a small workbench…

Now the passengers have embarked for a unique experience through the underground part of the Canal Saint Martin. Once plunged into darkness, protected from the chaos of the city, another mood sets in. As the boat  advances into the depths of the Canal and navigates the 2 kms of the expedition, the audience, accompanied by Paul, will be drawn into an adventure oscillating between fantasy and reality. An immersion into the depths of a dreamworld… Ghosts from Paul’s past come to inhabit the tunnel, his memories gravitate around the boat, captivating its passengers.

Will they succeed in seeing the end of the tunnel ?

The ambition of the performance is a fusion of theater, film and music for a clever reinterpretation of a popular attraction – the ghost train. With this innovative set-up and immersive dimension, the phantom journey will literally plunge the audience 10 meters underground and guide them through an uncharted sensory experience. A timeless moment…

As an echo to this performance, the company has created an immersive installation with a binaural sound system limited to an audience of three. It can be set up in theatre lobbies, exhibition spaces, living spaces. Running time : 15 min loop.




A performance by Métilde Weyergans and Samuel Hercule
Original score by Timothée Jolly and Mathieu Ogier
With : Métilde Weyergans, Samuel Hercule and the participation of Carina Salvado
Stage managers and light design : Sébastien Dumas and Ludovic Bouaud
Set design and construction : Frédéric Soria
Technical director : Christophe Doucet
Production, administration : Anaïs Germain, Caroline Chavrier in collaboration with Ariane Romano and Mathilde Dalmas of the Arter Vivanto Agency

Running time : approximately 45mn

Production : La Cordonnerie, Arter Vivanto / Mondes Nouveaux, a program implemented by the Ministry of Culture as part of France Relance
Coproduction : maisondelaculture de Bourges / Scène Nationale
In partnership with the Théâtre de la Ville, Paris and Nuit Blanche 2022


Design : Métilde Weyergans and Samuel Hercule
Set Construction : Frédéric Soria, Dominique Mercier-Balaz
Sound / video installation : Mathieu Ogier, Sébastien Dumas
Running time : 15 mn


Press review
